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Do the right people 'feel the pain' in your business?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a great tool. True, they can be used to confuse and baffle. True, also, that they can really help you to drive the performance of a business process if you use them correctly. But, do the right people 'feel the pain'?

Do you overload your factory?

I'm often asked what is one of the best ways to improve the on time delivery performance of a factory; my glib answer is to stop overloading it. Of course, most people don't intentionally overload their businesses. It is common, however, for businesses to have inadequate methods of measuring how busy they are. This means that they are unsure of the effect of their decision, when accepting new orders into their business, until after the event. Continue reading... Giles Johnston Creator of the ' Making It Happen ' online course for discovering change management strategies.

Do you keep adding value to lemons?

We all know intuitively that we shouldn't try and add value to something that is broken. We know that we should get the person who broke the item to fix it before we carry on. They learn a lesson and we maximise our contribution... So why do we accept this so much in business?

Do you embrace exception reporting?

If you are responsible for the running of a business process you will probably be required to regularly review certain reports that help you to manage the process. Many people switch off when they have to do this on an ongoing basis. They don't make the best decisions when the information isn't reviewed...