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Showing posts from January, 2008

Where is my agenda?

Sitting in a recent meeting it took me quite some time to realise that there was no agenda available. The meeting was fairly charged and so the lack of agenda went unnoticed until the half time break. Although the meeting had got many items out into the open for discussion we were no closer to discussing the important item that we had gathered to resolve. The Chair announced an agenda for the second half of the meeting (after some prompting) and a resolution was achieved in a far easier and efficient manner. How many meetings do you go to that don't have an agenda? How much better would they be if there was one? Smartspeed Consulting Limited 'For When Results Matter'

Focus on one waste at a time

When we tackle the wastes present in a business we often take a view that we need to eradicate them all. All at once! Whilst this is an admirable approach a number of clients have found that by taking one waste at a time they have achieved far greater results. Taking one waste category at a time (such as waiting) we found that people were far better able to locate and recognise the wastes, focussed activity rather than a shotgun approach to this activity. Next time you are waste walking through your business consider breaking the activity up into various aspects, or assign various members of your team to spot the individual wastes. Smartspeed Consulting Limited 'For When Results Matter'