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Showing posts from March, 2012

Scheduling the 'once a year' items.

How many times do you find yourself in a rush to complete a task that you also had to rush a year ago? There are many tasks that only take place once a year, but because of a lack of preparation or scheduling they seem to appear out of the blue. Of course these sorts of things never are out of the blue, it's just that we weren't paying attention. If we did properly schedule these items (once we knew what they were) then we could ask different questions, such as 'what would be a better way of doing this?' Many times however the task re-appears and we do just enough to get the job off our lists. What would happen if you listed all of those quarterly and yearly tasks and scheduled them properly? What improved results would you get? Smartspeed Consulting Limited Taking the  frustration  out of on time delivery.

Where's the Impedance?

Impedance is one of those good words that, when applied to the context of business improvement, you can quickly find ideas to improve how your business operates. For example... What gets in the way? What obstacles are there in your business that stop you from being as fast as you can, or delivering your product or service to the highest quality levels? How you do make it difficult to do business? Does your business prevent your customers from doing business? Is there any way that you can re-design how your customers interact with your business so that their life becomes easier and you can deliver more products and services for them in the future? What stops good ideas from taking effect? If you are trying to implement changes to the way that you work what gets in the way? Can you better understand how changes are stopped (or impeded) and then design a different way for your business to behave in this area? If you find certain activities in your business aren't happening

The Big Society in Action

I question I often get asked is "does all of this business improvement activity work outside of manufacturing?" The answer is yes, and the charity I am a Trustee of got in the press because of it. I was even interviewed for the article. Read the article here. Smartspeed Consulting Limited Taking the frustration out of on time delivery.

The Statue of Change (Management)

One of the most common phrases you hear when you first embark on improvement project work is 'we've done all of this before'. Have you had this said to you? If you have then there is a simple antidote to the situation, finding a 'statue of change'. Find something in your organisation that doesn't work and that fits in to the remit of the change you are trying to make. Then, put all of your efforts into making sure that this specific change takes effect and works. Sometimes this requires extra effort to ensure that everything runs smoothly. The key to making this strategy work however is to make sure that the change is visible. The change needs to be the statue referred to in the title, a monument for everyone to see that change really can happen. If you are finding that your business change projects are being faced with resistance then it may be worthwhile  to consider a 'statue of change' for your business. Find the one thing that every