When faced with an opportunity to change, many businesses stall and delay. There can be many factors that can contribute to this behaviour, but there are some simple approaches that you can take to make the change process easier for you and your business. The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) approach can help you to educate your teams that if the improvement doesn't work the first time round you are allowed to tweak the idea until you get it working in your business. Many improvements are not perfect the first time round. However, dismissing them altogether if they don't quite work builds up a level of resistance to trying other ideas in the future. Prove that the change is possible and worthwhile to yourself and others by doing a tiny version of the improvement first. If you can get the hang of the small version then you can ramp up to bigger and better things. Doing a tiny version first reduces the risk to the business and the ego! Learn as you progress and try other things...