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Where is the end?

When the end of a project is coming up it is useful to reflect on the planned end point. Many projects get to a specified completion point and the learning that has taken place over the course of the project has not been re-invested and the plan has not been revised. By changing the end point by even the smallest amount you can end up with a far more effective project. Whether this is converting all of the learning into new policies and procedures or communicating with other project teams about what you discovered reviewing the end point can have significant benefits. Look at the current planned end point and ask yourself "is this still the right end point, or do I want something different now?" Smartspeed Consulting Limited 'For When Results Matter'

A timekeper for meetings?

Sitting in meetings watching the people sitting around the table becoming increasingly bored leads me to wonder.... 'If we had a timekeeper and agreed time slots would the meeting run in a tighter fashion?' There are some great ideas available for improving meeting performance - such as Edward de Bono's 'Six Thinking Hats' but it is rarely used in organisations. Someone once asked me if I spent any of my time dealing with business fundamentals - and my answer was yes, a lot of time. Surely running effective meetings in an efficient manner is a business fundamental, something that should invigorate the team whilst creating solutions and making decisions that would otherwise not be made - not something that wastes peoples time. Smartspeed Consulting Limited 'For When Results Matter'