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Do Your Business Feedback Loops Work?

If you have ever struggled to get a change to take hold in your business then you might want to look at the feedback loops in your business. A good feedback loop, or mechanism, can make the ongoing management of your processes a whole load easier? Do you have them defined in your business?

Finding The Parallel For Your CI Conversation

I was delivering some training on Lean Production methods yesterday. The team I was working with are based in a call centre and we found a number of interesting continuous improvement opportunities to work on. Through our conversation I became particularly interested in how they could move their resources more dynamically (rules based) when call queues were extending. I shared with them an account of when I was working as a Production Engineer in an automotive firm where we used several different Kan-Ban pull production systems to address this same issue. Despite having already explained how these systems worked in principle, they were not convinced that it was a strategy that could work for them. It was the story, the parallel example, that convinced them. I see this situation time and time again. The principles of an improvement may be sound and people may understand the improvement concept logically, but they haven't bought into the applicability to their busin

A look back on 2014 - Sunrise Meetings

Available for the Amazon Kindle I have spent quite a bit of time this year working on Sunrise Meetings . These are of particular interest to businesses that have expanded, or changed, rapidly during the past three years. Growing pains are inevitable. How do you ensure that your staff work on the right things, at the right time?

KPIs: Do You Like The Numbers?

Available at Amazon Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are an essential tool for business management. They can help us to determine appropriate courses of action for our businesses and can help to keep our businesses on track. I meet many people, however, that don't like to look at their numbers...

Starting Messy? Don’t Worry - Just Make Sure You Start!

Planning is central to the success of any continuous improvement project. A good plan, however, is not always terribly visible to those struggling to implement that improvement! Just knowing how to get from A (problem needing solving) to B (implemented improvement), can make managing change a simpler and more effective endeavour.  But what can you do when you just don’t know where to start? When you are trying to coordinate the activities of numerous departments / individuals, to help get any given change made, a plan is absolutely essential. Sure, they can take time to create, but this is time well spent. “Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent Return on Energy!” ― Brian Tracy (Canadian entrepreneur and author) I agree with this quote. I have heard many a client complaining about having to take time and put resources into creating a plan. And then wax lyrical when that plan delivers desired results! Act