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50% Discount: Business Process Re-engineering Book

Just a quick post to let you know that my book 'Business Process Re-engineering' has a 50% discount currently in place on Smashwords.

5W1H and Business Strategy

After an initially confusing conversation the other day with an organisation (who were in a bit of a tangle) I found my engineering background coming to the rescue. There was debate around what should go into a business plan, particularly with respect to their strategic content.

The Ebb And Flow Of Continuous Improvement

I advocate making continuous improvement part of your daily / weekly work life. This I think should be something that most businesses should work towards if they aren't there already. However, there are also times when things don't pan out quite as we have hoped to. Unfortunate circumstances, conflict inside the business or unforeseen problems. These take time away from the business and naturally makes it difficult to undertake continuous improvement activity. There are other times when energies are higher. There are other events that can affect the motivation of your staff and this too can be considered.

Start Your Day With Continuous Improvement

If you don't have time to undertake your continuous improvement projects then why not consider this approach? If you spend your whole day running around putting out fires then you will probably find that you just don't get time to undertake your continuous improvement project work. I've been there and I'm sure many of you reading this will feel the same.

FMEA: Your Continuous Improvement Crystal Ball

When businesses are looking for areas to improve, the use of a FMEA chart can often work wonders. In some respects it is a crystal ball to help you predict where failures can happen. This is about being proactive with your continuous improvement projects rather than trying to pick up the pieces when something goes wrong! FMEA stands for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. Basically, it gets you to look at individual elements of a process so that you can think about where the process can 'fall over'. It can also be used for products; looking at which components will fail.

2014 Continuous Improvement Plans

For many businesses this time of year provides a good time to reflect upon the past year's performance and decide upon their plans for the upcoming year. How about you? Do you know where and how you want to improve your business during 2014? If you haven't pulled your plan together then the following pointers could help you to pull your ideas together to get you started:

What's Important To Do Each Day?

All business processes have a drum beat. Certain tasks need to happen like clockwork and the ability for a business to develop these habits can distinguish them from the competition. My latest book, Sunrise Meetings , shares a step by step process to help capture these routines and make them an integral part of your day-to-day business. It is free this weekend on the Amazon Kindle (until the end of 16th December 2013 PST). You can get it here. Giles Johnston Author of 'Business Process Re-Engineering', a practical plan to improve business performance.