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Do you have the facts?

Recently I had been pushing one of my clients to improve the amount of information they had available to them. In many businesses there can be too much information, stuff that gets produced that no one uses. In other businesses there is the opposite problem, not enough information being produced to make meaningful decisions from. Eventually my client made the following statement:

If you don't stop to fix the problem...

Guess what? If you just ignore a problem in your business it is likely that it will continue. This might not always be the case (yes, some things seem to resolve themselves...), but for the majority of problems we face they need to be dealt with. Recognition is the first step

Are your 'standard' meetings still effective?

When you have standard (routine) meetings you need to be prepared. Your team need to be prepared too. I see many of these meetings go through the motions and not really add any value to the day. How are yours? Here are some quick tips to reinvigorate your meetings if you aren't getting the results you want.

Now available - "Finding Time... For Your Projects"

Continuous improvement needs time. Isn't that a revelation? It is a challenge for many of us to work out how to juggle our day to day obligations with our desire to improve how our business performs. For many of us our expectations of how fast we can progress is unrealistic and this can lead to frustration and eventually the stalling of our improvement projects.

Is it time to explode the details?

I see many business improvement plans on my journeys. Many of them have a high level feel to them, general statements of intent rather than action plans. Are yours like this? If the answer is yes, then perhaps it is time to 'explode the details'!

Get my On Time Delivery Kit for only $17!!!

Get my On Time Delivery Kit  for only $17 (USD) if you use the code OTIF  at the checkout before 6pm (BST) on the 3rd of June 2016. To learn more about the kit please visit: If you have any questions - drop me a line: Giles Johnston Author of Business Process Re-Engineering and creator of the ' Making It Happen ' online course for improving continuous improvement skills.