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Using the Takt Time approach to munch your way through your improvement projects

I had a really interesting conversation at the end of a workshop yesterday. The person I got talking to was concerned that although they now knew how to implement the changes they were unsure as to when they would be able to do the work - it just seemed like too much. The basic application of the Takt Time approach, that follows, was how we ended the conversation.

Do your production targets make sense?

Recently I have been working with a client to help them bring a project back on schedule. The conversations that took place at the start of the project were interesting; we reviewed the targets that were set for the production rates within the project.

Kamishibai e-book free on Amazon today

My popular e-book ' Kamishibai Boards ' is free on Amazon between 9th June 2015 and 11th June 2015. It shares a step by step process to implement a simple visual management approach that can help businesses to form effective workplace habits. To view the book's details please visit: Giles Johnston Author of Business Process Re-Engineering

A good ERP system needs more than just training

I was engaged in a really interesting conversation this week about ERP systems and the need for training. We discussed the training gap that was evident and then got talking about the other things you need in a business in order for ERP to 'fly'...