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Starting Messy? Don’t Worry - Just Make Sure You Start!

Planning is central to the success of any continuous improvement project. A good plan, however, is not always terribly visible to those struggling to implement that improvement! Just knowing how to get from A (problem needing solving) to B (implemented improvement), can make managing change a simpler and more effective endeavour.  But what can you do when you just don’t know where to start? When you are trying to coordinate the activities of numerous departments / individuals, to help get any given change made, a plan is absolutely essential. Sure, they can take time to create, but this is time well spent. “Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent Return on Energy!” ― Brian Tracy (Canadian entrepreneur and author) I agree with this quote. I have heard many a client complaining about having to take time and put resources into creating a plan. And then wax lyrical when that plan delivers desired results! Act

Getting Results: A Two Stage Process?

When you first get involved with an improvement activity you often find that you can split the improvement into two halves. One part is fixing things that are broken, the other part is doing things that will make the process work so much better than it does currently. Making this distinction can help to improve the way that the improvement works out for your business.

Making MRP Work - Slideshare Link

This is the modified slideshow from my presentation delivered to the Advanced Manufacturing Forum earlier today. It includes ten points to help you get more out of your MRP system. Giles Johnston ...optimising MRP systems and re-engineering business processes

Effective MRP needs senior buy in

Over the past year I have been involved in a number of MRP projects ; systems to help drive manufacturing operations. Most of these projects have involved working with businesses that have already done the hard work of specifying, selecting and installing the software. Similarly, staff have been trained – it’s all ready to go live!  So, if a business is still operating in chaos and / or is not achieving the results needed from a system like this, well there’s a problem! But what is the issue? In my experience it is often lack of ‘buy-in’ to the project by senior members of staff. And yes, this really does make all the difference.

Project Take Off and Landings

The way that we plan the initiation of our projects, as well as the way we intend to complete them can make a huge difference to their performance. For many improvement projects there needs to be a flurry of activity at the start and the end in order for the project to be delivered effectively.

Are You Waiting For Perfection?

Over the past couple of weeks I have had numerous conversations with my clients about getting started with improvement activity , when a 'perfect' solution is still quite a long way off. Getting started is often one of the biggest hurdles when it comes to making process improvement changes within a business. Getting started anyway can bring with it several benefits.