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Minimisation... the opposite of continuous improvement

A number of years ago I used to have a voluntary role with my local Youth Offending Team. It was a very rewarding use of my time as I got to see young people make constructive changes in their lives. There was an interesting phrase that I picked up during my time there, 'minimisation'. Its effect is prevalent in businesses that aren't getting ahead with their improvement goals too.

Do you use closed questions to manage your business processes?

When you implement (or update) a new business process it is vital that you understand how to manage it. It is one thing to use the metrics in your business to keep an eye on it, but sometimes you need to ask questions to make sure it is working the way that you want it to.

How do you measure your on time delivery performance?

Many businesses measure their on time delivery performance by counting how many orders leave their business on the same date / time as agreed with their customer. That makes sense, and is how most businesses do it, shown in the diagram below: There is another way, a way that can help you to pin point where and when things aren't working properly. By measuring the start of the process you increase the chance of the process delivering on time (as in, you rarely catch up when you start late!). It's a small change in perspective when it comes to measuring on time delivery, but it gives you a chance to correct things before it is too late. Of course you can still measure the output, but by placing your focus on the start of the process you not only increase your chances of delivering on time but start the conversation around what needs to happen in order to launch your processes properly. The final results won't turn up by magic, but they can appear with

Do you have a vision for your improvement?

A team member at one of my clients was quizzing me the other day, he was struggling to share his vision of an improvement with the rest of his team. He needed them to get onboard, so that they could help in any way they could, but was struggling with how to arrange his thoughts. I gave him the following structure, and I thought that I would share it with you too via this blog.

Free process improvement e-book available today

If you are having difficulties with driving consistency through your business processes and need to improve the habits and disciplines within your business then today you are in luck!

Is improvement a straight line?

A question I am often asked is this - "am I on the right path?" This question is usually posed by someone who is going through a period of change and feels that they aren't doing it right, because the actions don't seem to be following some prescribed / perceived route...

New Kamishibai Board

One of my clients got their kamishibai board in place today and I thought I'd share a quick photo of it. This one is designed to help a team manage, and balance, their workload through a fixed period of time. It's a nice variation on the theme. Giles Johnston Author of Business Process Re-Engineering   and creator of the   ' Making It Happen '   online course for improving continuous improvement skills.

It's amazing what you find when you undertake 5S!

Today I was working with some of my client's staff on a 5S orientated project. In fact we were gearing up to implement a component Kanban for a busy factory, but the area needed to be organised first. So, we used the 5S approach, which we all remember as:

Continuous Improvement - it's just an experiment!

We seem to feel so much pressure when we come to improve our businesses. Admittedly our actions are scrutinised and our results are inspected. You can understand why so many people don't attempt to improve...