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What happens when you give up with continuous improvement?

How many people have you spoken to about continuous improvement and striving to run your business the way that it should be run? Do you ever get the response that they have run out of steam and that they no longer feel that their voices have been heard? I hear this from many people when I work with different businesses, but there is usually a way out of this position.

Execution - the key to making business process improvement realise its benefits

Yesterday I wrote about the importance of checklists and how they can help you to improve your on time delivery performance . There is also a time to realise that you don't need to spend more time developing business processes. There is a time when you need to step back and realise that your staff aren't following the existing processes and are, in fact, doing something else altogether...

Can a checklist improve your on time delivery performance?

If the checklist is designed to help you minimise mistakes, costly rework and delays then the answer is a definite yes! A Sunrise Meeting is a great example of an effective checklist Isn't it odd then that so many businesses don't make the most of checklists?

'Making MRP Work' - now available in paperback

Available now in paperback Another week and another update about my books! Making MRP Work , my guide to improving how your MRP / ERP system can work for your business is now available in paperback format.

Improvement Accelerator Framework - now available

If you've been following my monthly email updates you'll know that my latest kit is the ' Improvement Accelerator Framework '.

Are your internal supply chains part of your OTIF strategy?

Many businesses focus heavily on the world around them, rather than the world inside the business when looking to manage supply chains. Getting the balance right between flexible and formal is a challenge that we all face, and getting it right can make a big difference to how consistent and how easy it is to deliver on time. For ideas on this please read my article ' Take Control of Your Internal Supply Chain to Improve On Time Delivery ' which you can read here - About the author Giles Johnston is a Chartered Engineer who specialises in helping businesses to grow and improve through better business processes. Giles is also the author of Business Process Re-Engineering and creator of the ' Making It Happen ' continuous improvement toolkit.

Business Process Re-engineering now available in paperback!

My popular Kindle / iTunes book ' Business Process Re-engineering ' is now available as a paperback. To get hold of your copy please visit your local Amazon site and search for the title of the book. Or, if you are in: the UK - the US - Enjoy the ideas, Giles About the author Giles Johnston is a Chartered Engineer who specialises in helping businesses to grow and improve through better business processes. Giles is also the author of Business Process Re-Engineering and creator of the ' Making It Happen ' continuous improvement toolkit.

Do all of your business processes start on time?

It's a good question, one that we sometimes forget to ask. If you want your processes to deliver on time , then starting on time is one of the best (and simplest) strategies that you can deploy. But, let me twist this question around slightly...

A strategy to improve the flow of improvements

Do you have a long list of improvement opportunities that never seems to change? Do you feel that the whole list is stuck and not delivering the benefits that are possible? …if you feel the same then you are not alone!

Improve your business… with a friend

When you are getting stuck trying to generate alternative options to solve your business improvement challenges don’t forget to ask for help. A simple ‘could you give me your thoughts on X?’ can generate a whole raft of alternative improvement ideas (where X is your issue to be resolved, of course!).